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Macro Decorators

Build Status Open on Github

Sometimes, writing code for JavaScript getters and setters can get repetitive. Macro decorators allow you to DRY up your code by creating a decorator that can duplicate a getter/setter's functionality in multiple places!

Checkout the docs to get started, or continue reading for more information.


Using NPM:

npm install macro-decorators

Using Yarn:

yarn add macro-decorators


You can import the macro decorator from macro-decorators and use it to define macros:

import macro from 'macro-decorators';

function fullNameMacro() {
  return macro({
    get() {
      return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;

    set(obj, key, value) {
      let [firstName, lastName] = value.split(' ');
      this.firstName = firstName;
      this.lastName = lastName;

class User {

  @fullNameMacro fullName;

class Admin {

  @fullNameMacro fullName;

let captainMarvel = new User();

captainMarvel.fullName = 'Carol Danvers';
console.log(captainMarvel.firstName); // 'Carol'
console.log(captainMarvel.lastName); // 'Danvers'
console.log(captainMarvel.fullName); // 'Carol Danvers'

You can also create dynamic macros which accept parameters, to make them more reusable and composable:

import macro, { filter, reads } from 'macro-decorators';

function percent(dividendName, divisorName) {
  return macro(function() {
    let divisor = this[divisorName];
    if (!divisor) {
      return null;
    return (this[dividendName] / divisor) * 100;

function formattedPercent(percentPropertyName) {
  return macro(function() {
    let value = this[percentPropertyName];
    if (!value) {
      return '--';
    value = value.toFixed(2);
    return `${value}%`;

class TestResultComponent {
  testResults = [];

  @filter('testResults', result => !result.finished)

  @filter('testResults', result => result.finished && !result.succeeded))

  @filter('testResults', result => result.finished && result.succeeded))

  @reads('testResults.length') numberOfBuilds;
  @reads('errorBuilds.length') numberOfErrorBuilds;
  @reads('failedBuilds.length') numberOfFailedBuilds;
  @reads('passedBuilds.length') numberOfPassedBuilds;

  @percent('numberOfErrorBuilds', 'numberOfBuilds') percentOfErrorBuilds;
  @percent('numberOfFailedBuilds', 'numberOfBuilds') percentOfFailedBuilds;
  @percent('numberOfPassedBuilds', 'numberOfBuilds') percentOfPassedBuilds;

  @formattedPercent('percentOfErrorBuilds') formattedPercentOfErrorBuilds;
  @formattedPercent('percentOfFailedBuilds') formattedPercentOfFailedBuilds;
  @formattedPercent('percentOfPassedBuilds') formattedPercentOfPassedBuilds;

The macro-decorators library also ships with a number of predefined macros, including the @filter and @reads decorators from the last example. Check out the API doc for more information on these macros.

Macro Paths

Built in macros that receive a key to a different property as an argument can also receive a path of keys separated by periods:

import { reads } from 'macro-decorators';

class Person {
  friends = [];

  @reads('friends.length') numFriends;

Paths can be any length, but can only consist of string based property keys separated by periods. They cannot be dynamic.


See the Contributing guide for details.


macro-decorators is built using TypeScript, and is compatible with both the TypeScript and Babel Legacy stage 1 decorators transforms. This is following the recommendation of the decorators proposal champions.

Future Upgrade Path

The decorators spec is still changing and not finalized at all, but this library intends to provide an upgrade path for the @macro decorator and all of the macros defined in it. This plan will be finalized when the decorators proposal is at least stage 3 and beginning to see wide adoption. Ideally, it will:

  1. Be partially codemoddable
  2. Not require users to rewrite too much existing code
  3. Allow users to import both the legacy decorators and the finalized decorators at the same time, in the same app, so users can convert one file at a time.

Whether or not these goals will be technically feasible will depend on the final spec and its implementation.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Type aliases


MacroDescriptor: object
import { MacroDescriptor } from 'macro-decorators';

A descriptor for a macro. Contains either a macro getter, a macro setter, or both.

Type declaration


MacroGetter: function
import { MacroGetter } from 'macro-decorators';

A getter for a macro.

Type declaration

    • (obj: any, key: string | symbol): any
    • Parameters

      • obj: any

        The instance of the class that the macro was applied to

      • key: string | symbol

        The key of the class field that the macro was applied to

      Returns any

      The value generated by the macro getter


MacroSetter: function
import { MacroSetter } from 'macro-decorators';

A setter for a macro.

Type declaration

    • (obj: any, key: string | symbol, value: any): void
    • Parameters

      • obj: any

        The instance of the class that the macro was applied to

      • key: string | symbol

        The key of the class field that the macro was applied to

      • value: any

        The value to set the macro to

      Returns void



  • alias(path: string): PropertyDecorator
  • import { alias } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that aliases another property.

    class Person {
      fullName = 'Tony Stark';
      @alias('fullName') properName;
    let ironMan = new Person();
    console.log(ironMan.properName); // Tony Stark

    The alias is both ways, so updating the aliased property will also update the original property.

    class Person {
      fullName = 'Tony Stark';
      @alias('fullName') properName;
    let ironMan = new Person();
    ironMan.properName = 'Anthony Stark';
    console.log(ironMan.fullName); // Anthony Stark


    • path: string

      The property path to alias

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • and(...paths: string[]): PropertyDecorator
  • import { and } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that gets the values of the paths that are passed to it, performs a logical and on them, and returns the result.

    class Person {
      hasSuit = true;
      hasPowers = false;
      hasCoolName = true;
      @and('hasSuit', 'hasPowers', 'hasCoolName')
    let person = new Person();
    console.log(person.isHero); // false
    person.hasPowers = true;
    console.log(person.isHero); // true


    • Rest ...paths: string[]

      The paths of the properties to perform the and operation on

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • bool(path: string): PropertyDecorator
  • import { bool } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that gets the value of the path that is passed to it, and returns its coerced boolean value.

    class Person {
      @bool('name') hasName;
    let wonderWoman = new Person();
    console.log(wonderWoman.hasName); // false
    person.name = 'Diana Prince';
    console.log(wonderWoman.hasName); // true


    • path: string

      The path of the property to return the boolean value of

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • collect(...paths: string[]): PropertyDecorator
  • import { collect } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that collects the values of one or more property paths and returns them in an array.

    class Person {
      @collect('suit', 'cape', 'helmet') costumeParts;
    let ironMan = new Person();
    console.log(ironMan.costumeParts); // [undefined, undefined, undefined];
    ironMan.suit = 'Iron Suit';
    ironMan.helmet = 'Iron Helmet';
    console.log(ironMan.costumeParts); // ['Iron Suit', undefined, 'Iron Helmet'];


    • Rest ...paths: string[]

      The paths of the properties to collect into the array

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • deprecatingAlias(path: string, message: string): PropertyDecorator
  • import { deprecatingAlias } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that aliases another property, but warns the user if they access it. This is useful for renaming properties or warning users of pending deprecations.

    class Person {
      fullName = 'Tony Stark';
      @deprecatingAlias('fullName', 'No longer necessary since the press conference')
    let ironMan = new Person();
    console.log(ironMan.secretIdentity); // Tony Stark


    • path: string

      The property path to alias

    • message: string

      The warning to log when the property is accessed

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • diff(...paths: string[]): PropertyDecorator
  • import { diff } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that returns a new array with all the items from the first array that are not in any of the other arrays passed to it.

    class Hamster {
      likes = [
      fruits = [
      @diff('likes', 'fruits') wants;
    hamster.wants; // ['banana']


    • Rest ...paths: string[]

      The paths of the arrays to diff

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • empty(path: string): PropertyDecorator
  • import { empty } from 'macro-decorators';

    Returns whether or not a field is empty. The field will be considered empty if it is falsy OR if it is an empty array.

    class TodoList {
      todos = [];
      @empty('todos') done;
    let list = new TodoList();
    console.log(list.done); // true
    list.todos.push('Stop Thanos');
    console.log(list.done); // false


    • path: string

      The path of the property to check for emptiness

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • equal(path: string, value: any): PropertyDecorator
  • import { equal } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that gets the provided path and checks to see if it is equal to the given value.

    class Person {
      @equal('name', 'Tony Stark') isIronMan;
    let tony = new Person();
    console.log(tony.isIronMan); // false
    tony.name = 'Tony Stark';
    console.log(tony.isIronMan); // true


    • path: string

      The path of the value to compare

    • value: any

      The value to compare against

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • filter(path: string, fn: function): PropertyDecorator
  • import { filter } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that returns an array filtered by a filter function.

    class Earth {
      people = [
          name: 'Carol Danvers',
          isHero: true,
          name: 'Tony Stark',
          isHero: true,
          name: 'Otto Octavius',
          isVillain: true,
      @filter('people', p => p.isHero) heroes;
    let earth = new Earth();
    console.log(earth.heroes); // [{ name: 'Carol Danvers', ... }, { name: 'Tony Stark', ... }]


    • path: string

      The path of the array to filter

    • fn: function

      The callback function to filter the array with

        • (value: any, index: number, arr: any[]): boolean
        • Parameters

          • value: any
          • index: number
          • arr: any[]

          Returns boolean

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • filterBy(path: string, key: string | symbol, value?: any): PropertyDecorator
  • import { filterBy } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that returns an array of objects filtered by a property on the objects.

    class Earth {
      people = [
          name: 'Carol Danvers',
          isHero: true,
          name: 'Tony Stark',
          isHero: true,
          name: 'Otto Octavius',
          isHero: false,
      @filterBy('people', 'isHero') heroes;
    let earth = new Earth();
    console.log(earth.heroes); // [{ name: 'Carol Danvers', ... }, { name: 'Tony Stark', ... }]

    A value can also be passed to compare the property to.

    class Earth {
      people = [
          name: 'Carol Danvers',
          isHero: true,
          name: 'Tony Stark',
          isHero: true,
          name: 'Otto Octavius',
          isHero: false,
      @filterBy('people', 'isHero', false) villains;
    let earth = new Earth();
    console.log(earth.heroes); // [{ name: 'Otto Octavius', ... }]


    • path: string

      The path of the array of objects to filter

    • key: string | symbol

      The key to filter the objects by

    • Optional value: any

      A value to compare against when filtering

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • gt(path: string, value: any): PropertyDecorator
  • import { gt } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that gets the provided path and compares it to see if it is greater than the given value.

    class Person {
      age = 64;
      @gt('age', 64) isSeniorCitizen;
    let cap = new Person();
    console.log(cap.isSeniorCitizen); // false;
    console.log(cap.isSeniorCitizen); // true;


    • path: string

      The path of the value to compare

    • value: any

      The value to compare against

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • gte(path: string, value: any): PropertyDecorator
  • import { gte } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that gets the provided path and compares it to see if it is greater than or equal to the given value.

    class Person {
      age = 64;
      @gte('age', 65) isSeniorCitizen;
    let cap = new Person();
    console.log(cap.isSeniorCitizen); // false;
    console.log(cap.isSeniorCitizen); // true;


    • path: string

      The path of the value to compare

    • value: any

      The value to compare against

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • intersect(...paths: string[]): PropertyDecorator
  • import { intersect } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that returns the intersection of one or more arrays that are passed to it:

    class NumbersBelowTen {
      prime = [1, 2, 3, 5, 7];
      fib = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8];
      odd = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9];
      @intersect('prime', 'fib', 'odd') superSpecialNums;
    let belowTen = new NumbersBelowTen();
    console.log(belowTen.superSpecialNums); // [1,3,5]


    • Rest ...paths: string[]

      The paths of the arrays to get the intersection of

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • lt(path: string, value: any): PropertyDecorator
  • import { lt } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that gets the provided path and compares it to see if it is less than to the given value.

    class Person {
      age = 16;
      @lt('age', 18) isAKid;
    let spidey = new Person();
    console.log(spidey.isAKid); // true;
    spidey.age = 18;
    console.log(spidey.isAKid); // false;


    • path: string

      The path of the value to compare

    • value: any

      The value to compare against

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • lte(path: string, value: any): PropertyDecorator
  • import { lte } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that gets the provided path and compares it to see if it is less than or equal to the given value.

    class Person {
      age = 16;
      @lte('age', 17) isAKid;
    let spidey = new Person();
    console.log(spidey.isAKid); // true;
    spidey.age = 18;
    console.log(spidey.isAKid); // false;


    • path: string

      The path of the value to compare

    • value: any

      The value to compare against

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • import macro from 'macro-decorators';

    The @macro decorator can be used to define custom macro decorators for getters and setters, which can DRY up code that is repetitive and boilerplate heavy.

    function fullNameMacro(firstNameKey, lastNameKey) {
      return macro(function() {
        return `${this[firstNameKey]} ${this[lastNameKey]}`;
    class Person {
      firstName = 'Carol';
      lastName = 'Danvers';
      @fullNameMacro('firstName', 'lastName')
      @fullNameMacro('firstName', 'lastName')
    let captainMarvel = new Person();
    console.log(captainMarvel.fullName); // Carol Danvers

    macro receives either a getter function, or a descriptor object that contains a getter and/or setter:

    function fullNameMacro(firstNameKey, lastNameKey) {
      return macro({
        get() {
          return `${this[firstNameKey]} ${this[lastNameKey]}`;
        set(obj, key, value) {
           let [firstName, lastName] = value.split(' ');
           this[firstNameKey] = firstName;
           this[lastNameKey] = lastName;
    class Person {
      firstName = 'Carol';
      lastName = 'Danvers';
      @fullNameMacro('firstName', 'lastName')
    let captainMarvel = new Person();
    console.log(captainMarvel.fullName); // Carol Danvers
    captainMarvel.fullName = 'Monica Rambeau';
    console.log(captainMarvel.firstName); // Monica
    console.log(captainMarvel.lastName); // Rambeau

    The getter and setter functions both receive the class instance as the first argument and the key being accessed as the second. The setter recieves tha value to be set as the third argument. See the definitions for MacroGetter and MacroSetter for more details. Both functions are called with the class instance bound as the this context, if possible.


    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • map(path: string, fn: function): PropertyDecorator
  • import { map } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that returns an array mapped by a function.

    class Earth {
      people = [
          name: 'Carol Danvers',
          name: 'Tony Stark',
          name: 'Otto Octavius',
      @map('people', p => p.name) names;
    let earth = new Earth();
    console.log(earth.names); // ['Carol Danvers', 'Tony Stark', 'Otto Octavius']


    • path: string

      The path of the array to map over

    • fn: function

      The function to map over the array with

        • (value: any, i: number, arr: any[]): any
        • Parameters

          • value: any
          • i: number
          • arr: any[]

          Returns any

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • mapBy(path: string, key: string | symbol): PropertyDecorator
  • import { mapBy } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that returns an array of objects mapped by the specified key.

    class Earth {
      people = [
          name: 'Carol Danvers',
          name: 'Tony Stark',
          name: 'Otto Octavius',
      @mapBy('people', 'name') names;
    let earth = new Earth();
    console.log(earth.names); // ['Carol Danvers', 'Tony Stark', 'Otto Octavius']


    • path: string

      The path of the array of objects to map over

    • key: string | symbol

      The key of the objects to pluck into the new array

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • match(path: string, regex: RegExp): PropertyDecorator
  • import { match } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that returns whether or not the provided path matches a regular expression.

    class Person {
      age = 29;
      @match('age', /\d+/) ageIsValid;
    let person = new Person();
    console.log(person.ageIsValid); // true
    person.age = 'twenty-nine';
    console.log(person.ageIsValid); // false


    • path: string

      The path of the value to match against

    • regex: RegExp

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • max(path: string): PropertyDecorator
  • import { max } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that returns the maximum value from the specified array.

    class NumbersBelowTen {
      prime = [1, 2, 3, 5, 7];
      fib = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8];
      odd = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9];
      @max('prime') biggestPrime;
    let belowTen = new NumbersBelowTen();
    console.log(belowTen.biggestPrime); // 7


    • path: string

      The path to the array to find the max value of

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • min(path: string): PropertyDecorator
  • import { min } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that returns the minimum value from the specified array.

    class NumbersBelowTen {
      prime = [1, 2, 3, 5, 7];
      fib = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8];
      odd = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9];
      @max('prime') smallestPrime;
    let belowTen = new NumbersBelowTen();
    console.log(belowTen.smallestPrime); // 1


    • path: string

      The path to the array to find the min value of

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • not(path: string): PropertyDecorator
  • import { not } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that returns the logical not of the provided path.

    class Car {
      speed = 0;
      @not('speed') isParked;
    let batmobile = new Car();
    console.log(batmobile.isParked); // true
    batmobile.speed = 100;
    console.log(batmobile.isParked); // false


    • path: string

      The path of the property to perform the logical not on

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • notEmpty(path: string): PropertyDecorator
  • import { notEmpty } from 'macro-decorators';

    Returns whether or not a field is NOT empty. The field will be considered non-empty if it is truthy OR if it is a non-empty array.

    class Person {
      frends = [];
      @notEmpty('friends') hasFriends;
    let hulk = new Person();
    console.log(hulk.hasFriends); // false
    console.log(hulk.hasFriends); // true


    • path: string

      The path of the property to check for non-emptiness

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • nullish(path: string): PropertyDecorator
  • import { nullish } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that returns whether or not the provided path is nullish.


    • path: string

      The path of the property to check for nullish-ness of

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • or(...paths: string[]): PropertyDecorator
  • import { or } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that gets the values of the paths that are passed to it, performs a logical or on them, and returns the result.

    class Person {
      hasSuit = false;
      hasPowers = false;
      hasCoolName = false;
      savesLives = false
      @or('hasSuit', 'hasPowers', 'hasCoolName', 'savesLives')
    let person = new Person();
    console.log(person.isHero); // false
    person.savesLives = true;
    console.log(person.isHero); // true


    • Rest ...paths: string[]

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • overridableReads(path: string): PropertyDecorator
  • import { overridableReads } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that provides an overridable read-only alias to another property. When set, the alias will be overwritten and disconnected from the value that was aliased, disconnecting the two for good.

    class Hero {
      ownedBy = 'Disney';
      @overridableReads('ownedBy') universe;
    let wolverine = new Hero();
    console.log(wolverine.universe); // Disney
    wolverine.universe = 'X-men';
    console.log(wolverine.ownedBy); // Disney
    console.log(wolverine.universe); // X-men


    • path: string

      The property path to alias

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • reads(path: string, defaultValue?: any): PropertyDecorator
  • import { reads } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that provides a read-only alias to another property.

    class Person {
      fullName = 'Tony Stark';
      @reads('fullName') properName;
    let ironMan = new Person();
    console.log(ironMan.properName); // Tony Stark
    ironMan.properName = 'Anthony Stark'; // Throws an error

    A default value can be provided as the second parameter to the decorator. If the value that is aliased is nullish, then the default value will be returned instead:

    class Hero {
      @reads('ownedBy', 'Marvel') universe;
    let batman = new Hero();
    console.log(batman.universe); // Marvel
    batman.ownedBy = 'DC';
    console.log(batman.universe); // DC

    If the default value is a function, then the function will be called and its return value will be used instead. This should be used for values like arrays or objects, so they are unique per-instance of the class.

    class Person {
      @reads('contacts', () => []) friends;


    • path: string

      The property path to alias

    • Optional defaultValue: any

      The default value to set the property to if the aliased property is nullish. If a function, the function will be called.

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • sort(path: string, fn: function): PropertyDecorator
  • import { sort } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that returns the specified array sorted by a sort function. The array is duplicated, so the original is not modified in any way.

    class Earth {
      people = [
          name: 'Carol Danvers',
          name: 'Tony Stark',
          name: 'Otto Octavius',
      @sort('people', (person1, person2) => {
        return person1.name > person2.name ? 1 : -1
      }) sortedPeople;
    let earth = new Earth();
    console.log(earth.sortedPeople); // [{ name: 'Carol Danvers', ... }, { name: 'Otto Octavius', ... }, { name: 'Tony Stark', ... }]


    • path: string

      The path of the array to sort

    • fn: function

      The function to sort the array with

        • (a: any, b: any): number
        • Parameters

          • a: any
          • b: any

          Returns number

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • sortBy(path: string, key: string, asc?: boolean): PropertyDecorator
  • import { sortBy } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that returns the specified array of objects sorted by the specified key. Uses standard JavaScript comparisons (> and < operators) for sorting. Can also specify a direction (ascending or descending).

    class Earth {
      people = [
          name: 'Carol Danvers',
          name: 'Tony Stark',
          name: 'Otto Octavius',
      @sortBy('people', 'name') sortedPeople;
    let earth = new Earth();
    console.log(earth.sortedPeople); // [{ name: 'Carol Danvers', ... }, { name: 'Otto Octavius', ... }, { name: 'Tony Stark', ... }]


    • path: string

      The path of the array of objects to sort

    • key: string

      The key of the value to sort the objects by

    • Default value asc: boolean = true

      Whether the sort should be ascending or descinding

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • sum(path: string): PropertyDecorator
  • import { sum } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that returns the sum of the values in the specified array.

    class NumbersBelowTen {
      prime = [1, 2, 3, 5, 7];
      fib = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8];
      odd = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9];
      @sum('prime') sumOfThePrimes;
    let belowTen = new NumbersBelowTen();
    console.log(belowTen.sumOfThePrimes); // 18


    • path: string

      The path of the array to sum

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • union(...paths: string[]): PropertyDecorator
  • import { union } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that returns the intersection of one or more arrays that are passed to it:

    class NumbersBelowTen {
      prime = [1, 2, 3, 5, 7];
      fib = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8];
      odd = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9];
      @union('prime', 'fib', 'odd') otherSuperSpecialNums;
    let belowTen = new NumbersBelowTen();
    console.log(belowTen.otherSuperSpecialNums); // [1,2,3,5,7,8,9]


    • Rest ...paths: string[]

      The paths of the arrays to get the union of

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • unique(path: string): PropertyDecorator
  • import { unique } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that returns the unique values in an array.

    class NumbersBelowTen {
      prime = [1, 2, 3, 5, 7];
      fib = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8];
      odd = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9];
      @unique('fib') uniqueFib;
    let belowTen = new NumbersBelowTen();
    console.log(belowTen.uniqueFib); // [1,2,3,5,8]


    • path: string

      The path of the array to get all unique values of

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • uniqueBy(path: string, key: string): PropertyDecorator
  • import { unique } from 'macro-decorators';

    A macro that returns the values in an array of objects that are unique by the specified key.

    class Person {
      contacts = [
        { name: 'Jessica', phone: '555-1234' }
        { name: 'Jake', phone: '555-4321' }
        { name: 'Jess', phone: '555-1234' }
      @uniqueBy('contacts', 'phone') friends;
    let person = new Person();
    console.log(person.friends); // [{ name: 'Jessica', ... }, { name: 'Jake', ... }]


    • path: string

      The path of the array of objects

    • key: string

      The key of the value to check for uniqueness

    Returns PropertyDecorator


  • Module
  • Object literal
  • Variable
  • Function
  • Function with type parameter
  • Index signature
  • Type alias
  • Enumeration
  • Enumeration member
  • Property
  • Method
  • Interface
  • Interface with type parameter
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Index signature
  • Class
  • Class with type parameter
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Accessor
  • Index signature
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Inherited accessor
  • Protected property
  • Protected method
  • Protected accessor
  • Private property
  • Private method
  • Private accessor
  • Static property
  • Static method

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